Car life2008. 7. 12. 01:04

 럭셔리 브랜드의 자동차 시장이 점점 치열해지면서 각 업체들은 다양한 방법으로 다른 브랜드와의 차별을 시도하고 있다. 그 중 하나의 방법으로 다른 분야의 명품 브랜드와 결합하여 다른 회사와 차별하는 방법이있다. 

 먼저, 가장 대표적인 방법은 의류 브랜드와의 결합이다. 사람들이 명품하면 가장 먼저 생각하는 의류 브랜드를 통해 그 브랜드가 가진 이미지를 이용하는 방법이다. 이번 제네바 모터쇼에서는 부가티가 에르메스와 함께 손잡고 "Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès"를 선보였다. 의류업계 최고의 명품 브랜드 중 하나인 에르메스는 자동차 명품인 부가티를 전용 트렁크백을 포함해 에르메스의 전통적인 수공예 방식을 통해 인테리어 전체를 전용가죽으로 손질했다.

이러한 사례는 다른 브랜드에서도 찾아볼 수 있는데 지난 2005년 메르세데스-벤츠는 조르지오 알마니와 손잡고 '메르세데스 벤츠 조르지오 아르마니 CLK 디자인카'를 100대만 한정판으로 생산 한적이 있다. 이 CLK는 전용 외장컬러와 함께 알마니의 가죽으로 실내를 꾸며 내놓았다.

또, 2005년 BMW는 베르사체를 위한 전용 미니쿠퍼 컨버터블을 출시했다. 화려하게 프린팅한 외장컬러와 함께 베르사체의 로고가 새겨진 시트와 소프트탑, 보석으로 꾸며진 전용 변속기레버를 장착해 선보였다.
 이 미니쿠퍼는 BMW가 매년 유명 디자이너와 손잡고 꾸민 특별한 차를 경매에 붙여 사회기금으로 불우한 이웃을 돕는 행사의 일환으로 제작됐고, 단 1유로에 경매에 붙여 12만 유로가 넘는 가격에 판매되기도했다. 이 경우와 함께 자동차 메이커들은 신차를 런칭하면서 유명 의류브랜드와 패션쇼를 연다든지, 신차 출시 기념 한정판매 제품을 함께 선보이기도 한다.

 의류 브랜드만큼이나 자동차 브랜드들이 사랑하는 아이템은 바로 시계이다. 정밀하고 고가의 시계 브랜드와 함께 한정판을 출시하거나, 자동차에 시계를 명품 시계브랜드가 만들어 장착하는 방식이다. 메르세데스는 멕라렌 SLR722 에디션을 선보이며 태그호이어와 함께 '태그호이어 크로노 벤츠 SLR 한정판'을 출시하였고, 스위스의 IWC사와 함께 'CLS55 AMG IWC 인제니어'를 전세계 단 55대만 출시했다. IWC의 다크 티타늄 그레이 컬러를 CLS에 외장컬러로 입히면서 두 브랜드 간의 연관성을 강조한 케이스이다. 벤틀리와 브라이틀링, 스파이커와 크로노스위스, 애스턴마틴과 예거 르 꿀뜨르, 부가티와 파르미지아니가 대표적이고 이들은 서로의 광고에도 함께 등장하며 끈끈한 협력관계를 유지하고있다.

 보석 브랜드와의 연대도 찾아 볼 수 있다. 링컨과 까르띠에, 캐딜락과 불가리가 대표적이다.
 링컨은 지난 2003년에 '링컨 타운카 까르띠에 에디션'을 출시했다. 이 차에는 까르띠에가 직접 참여하여 인테리어를 손보았다. 링컨은 1976년 '링컨 컨티넨탈 마크 Ⅳ'를 통해 까르띠에와 손잡은 역사가 있다. 캐딜락은 오히려 불가리 쪽에서 제안 한 것으로 평소 GM의 팬이었던 불가리 회장이 캐딜락에게 불가리에 대한 저작권을 넘겨주면서 사업에 참여하여 캐딜락의 몇 몇 모델의 아날로그 계기판을 디자인하며 탄생했다. 

 어떤 자동차 브랜드는 다른 브랜드에서 납품을 받아 자사 상표를 부착해 OEM을 통해 판매하기도 한다. 람보르기니와 이탈리아의 가구 브랜드인 포르미탈리아가 손잡아 홈가구컬렉션을 내놓았고, 페라리와 퓨마, 푸조와 르꼬끄 스포르티브, 포르쉐와 M&M등이 자사의 상표를 부착해 라이프스타일 제품을 출시한다.  의류브랜드들은 F1 같은 경기에 레이싱 수트를 납품해 광고효과를 높이기도 한다. 이런 대중적인 브랜드와의 협력은 브랜드간의 상호협력을 높여 자연스럽게 자동차브랜드와 친근하게 연관시키는 방법이다. 

 최고급 호텔의 셔틀로 결합한 경우도 있다. 롤스로이스와 페닌슐라호텔이 대표적으로 오랜 세월에 걸쳐 함께 명품 이미지를 확립한 브랜드의 결합으로, 얼마 전 페닌슐라 홍콩이 25대의 롤스로이스 팬텀을 구입하며 다시 한번 끈끈한 관계임을 보여줬다. 페닌슐라 도쿄 역시 호텔셔틀로 팬텀을 이용하며 호텔 정문에 롤스로이스를 전시하며 광고 하고있다.  

 마지막으로 또 하나의 대표적인 방법이자 가장 비중을 많이 차지하는 방법으로 오디오 브랜드와의 결합이 있다. 자동차에서 보내는 시간이 길어지면서 차 안에서 노래를 듣는 시간도 길어졌는데, 이에 부응하기 위해 여러 브랜드가 경쟁적으로 더 좋은 오디오 브랜드와 협력하기 위해 노력하고있다. 또한 카 오디오는 자동차 구매자에게 직접적으로 작용하는 요소이다 보니 더욱 적극적일 수 밖에 없다. 일본의 럭셔리 브랜드인 렉서스는 마크레빈슨과 인피니티는 보스와 손을 잡았고, 볼보와 다인, 아우디와 뱅앤올룹슨, 벤츠와 하만카돈, 롤스로이스와 렉시콘등이 대표적이다. 우리나라 브랜드들도 현대차와 JBL, 렉시콘, 르노삼성과 보스 등의 결합이 있다. 오디오는 럭셔리 자동차의 구매층들이 음악과 오디오에 관심이 많다는 것과도 연계되어 자사의 쇼룸에 전용 오디오룸을 꾸미는 등 적극적으로 구매자들에게 광고를 한다.  

 이렇게 명품브랜드와의 결합은 다른 명품 브랜드의 이미지나 신뢰도와 결합해 시너지 효과를 내며 더욱더 활발하게 이루어 질 것 으로 본다.


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

2009 Nissan Maxima  (0) 2008.08.02
TH!NK city  (0) 2008.07.19
Audi RS4 vs BMW M3 vs Mercedes Benz C63 AMG vs Lexus IS-F  (0) 2008.07.05
Porsche GT3RS  (0) 2008.06.21
Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes  (0) 2008.06.21
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 7. 5. 01:02

인테리어 배틀

Audi RS4


Mercedes Benz C63 AMG

Lexus IS-F


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

TH!NK city  (0) 2008.07.19
명품과 명품 자동차의 만남  (0) 2008.07.12
Porsche GT3RS  (0) 2008.06.21
Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes  (0) 2008.06.21
Land rover - LRX Geneva concept  (0) 2008.06.14
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 6. 21. 01:02

RS는  흔히 폴쉐 911 GT3 에서 잘 보여주는 말이다.(rs의 뜻은 rennsport or Racing Sport의 줄임말이다.)
출력은 400마력이 넘는 폴샤~특유의 수평대향 6기통 엔진이 몸으로 느끼기에 충분한 가속력을 공급하고
폴리카보네이트 뒷유리와 카본 본넷과 리어윙은 무게를 감소시켰고
옵션으로 선택할수 있는 세라믹 브레이크는 기본은 선택할수 있는 일반 브레이브보다 강력한 브레이킹 성능을
보여줄것이라 생각한다.

그럼 자세한 성능은 아래와 같다.ㅋㅋ
  • On-the-road price
  • Engine/capacity
  • Peak power
  • Peak torque
  • Transmission
  • Kerbweight
  • 0-60 claimed/actual
  • 60-0/top speed
  • Lap time/ranking
  • £94,280
  • Flat six/3,600cc
  • 415/7,600 bhp/rpm
  • 405/5,500 Nm/rpm
  • 6-spd man/rwd
  • 1,450kg
  • 4.3 secs/N/A
  • N/A/193mph
  • 61.6 secs/1st


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

명품과 명품 자동차의 만남  (0) 2008.07.12
Audi RS4 vs BMW M3 vs Mercedes Benz C63 AMG vs Lexus IS-F  (0) 2008.07.05
Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes  (0) 2008.06.21
Land rover - LRX Geneva concept  (0) 2008.06.14
Mazda RX-8  (0) 2008.06.07
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 6. 21. 01:01

Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes

On the occasion of the 78th Geneva Motor Show (from 6 to 16 March 2008), Bugatti and Hermès co-present the fruit of their partnership: the "Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès", associat-ing Bugatti's technical performance with the expertise of Hermès and its craftsmen. In partnership with Hermès, designer Gabriele Pezzini has married the distinctive Hermès style to the legendary Bugatti Veyron 16.4, magnifying the car's personality.

This remarkable car features an array of exceptional characteristics: the innovative alliance of a technologically advanced engine, delivering 1001 horsepower, with an understated yet uncompromising silhouette reflecting the high performance capacities of state-of-the-art engineering and design, and above all, the pleasure these inspire in every Bugatti owner. The fascination exerted by this sports coupé, capable of reaching 407 km/h, is due in large part to its unique alliance of the very finest motorracing technology with comfortable handling for everyday driving. The 16-cylinder "W" configuration engine is fed by four turbochargers and features 64 valves, generating 1001 horsepower at 6000 rpm. The engine draws on its 8-litre displacement to deliver a maximum torque of 1250 Newton-metres between 2200 and 5500 rpm. With full-time all-wheel drive, the car's phenomenal power produces breathtakingly dynamic handling, with acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in a mere 2.5 seconds. The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 benefits from aeronautical and aerospace technologies, making it the fastest production car ever made. The car also features a braking system designed to deliver unprecedented powers of deceleration, establishing a new industry benchmark. The carbon-fibre discs provide brake pressure of up to 180 bars, combined with eight-piston monobloc callipers and titanium pistons fitted with fine steel heads and ceramic heat protectors. Apply the brakes at speeds above 200 km/h, and the rear wing acts as an airbrake, positioning itself at an angle of 113 degrees in less than 0.4 seconds, augmenting the Bugatti Veyron's already impressive stopping power. The airbrake increases negative lift at the rear of the car to 300 kg, enhancing the braking torque on the rear axle. At 400 km/h, emergency braking will bring the sports car to a complete halt in less than 10 seconds.

This, the world's most fascinating car, has pushed back the limits of physical engineering to offer a completely new sensation for driver and passenger alike. But it has also adopted a radically different stance to that of other sports cars: its features and finish are sure to impress the most demanding clientele. Hermès and designer Gabriele Pezzini have lavished attention on the interior and exterior of this exceptional car, to create the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4: the "Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès"

A harmonious design, inside and out

The official name of the highly exclusive Bugatti Veyron "Fbg par Hermès" refers to the historic Hermès headquarters on the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, in the heart of Paris's eighth arrondissement: the "Fbg" appellation evokes the house's "faubourg" address.

With the Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès, the exacting standards of Émile Hermès and Ettore Bugatti come together for the first time, in an exceptional collaboration: the culmination of their extreme attention to aesthetic and technological quality and performance.

Gabriele Pezzini has reinterpreted Bugatti's traditional two-tone carriage work, fostering a fluid, harmonious transition between the car's exterior and interior design. The colour of the hood extends to the interior of the cockpit, and re-emerges behind, at the level of the rear wing. As a tribute to the celebrated 1924 Bugatti Type 35, undoubtedly the most famous of all time, thanks to its many successes on the racetrack, the new Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès features eight-spoked wheels in polished aluminium, central butterfly wheel locks branded with the letter H, and air vents around the rims reproducing the characteristic appearance of Hermès saddle-stitching. The horseshoe radiator grille, and the lateral ventilation grilles flanking it, are made from lightweight alloys with a design of interlocking H's evoking the Hermès "signature".

A refined formal vocabulary

The inner surfaces of the Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès have been designed and sheathed in bull calfskin by the Hermès workshops in Paris. The care and attention to detail observe an extremely refined, minimalist formal vocabulary, reflecting the tradition of the very first Bugattis and the fundamental design principles of the house of Hermès. The door handles echo the fluid forms of handles on Hermès travel bags and luggage. And the dashboard, traditionally finished in brushed aluminium, is here clad entirely in bull calfskin. Passengers aboard the Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermès will find a dashboard glove compartment designed to hold a selection of small travel accessories and a zipped Hermès wallet. Both seats are covered in two-toned bull calfskin, and the panel separating the cockpit from the central rear engine - traditionally made of carbon fibre - is covered in the same fine leather. The leather-lined trunk holds a speciallyfitted "Toile H" and leather case, hand-made by craftsmen from the Hermès workshops.

This exceptional model - in toning colours of ebony and étoupe, or ebony and brick - is priced at 1.55 million euros (not including tax), available at the end of 2008.


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Audi RS4 vs BMW M3 vs Mercedes Benz C63 AMG vs Lexus IS-F  (0) 2008.07.05
Porsche GT3RS  (0) 2008.06.21
Land rover - LRX Geneva concept  (0) 2008.06.14
Mazda RX-8  (0) 2008.06.07
인피니티 신형 FX 공개 - 제네바모터쇼  (0) 2008.05.31
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 6. 14. 00:57

A striking black and silver version of Land Rover's acclaimed LRX cross-coupe concept makes its global debut at the 78e Salon International de l'Automobile, alongside the original white LRX revealed earlier to widespread acclaim (at NAIAS, Detroit, in January). "With its metallic black paintwork, silver roof and precisely detailed exterior features, the second version of the LRX concept is designed to show how well the vehicle can deliver a contemporary example of personalisation," says Gerry McGovern, Land Rover's design director.

"The LRX concept already has an abundance of character, but you can tune the appearance to reflect a customer's own personality and lifestyle. Clever use of colour and subtle additional details enable the vehicle to be tailored to suit an individual's style, without compromising the clean design of the LRX," he adds. No production plans have been confirmed yet for the LRX concept, and both versions will now be used to gauge public, dealer and media response to Land Rover's cross-coupe concept, as well as its interesting new opportunities for vehicle personalisation. "We were hugely excited by the positive response that the original LRX concept generated when we showed it at the Detroit Show a few weeks ago," says Phil Popham, managing director of Land Rover. "But we've always seen scope for LRX to provide a whole showroom of different models, with a range of powertrains including hybrids and bio-fuel capable engines."


Using lightweight material technologies, Land Rover has developed a series of bespoke features for the black and silver LRX that add to the vehicle's individuality and flexibility. The removable carbon composite roof panel contrasts with the silver-coloured roof, and has integral anchor points for fixing snowboards and other sports equipment. The sleek black roof bars provide another option for roof-top loads, and a compact step above the rear bumper provides for easy roof-top access. More carbon composite is used for the protective underbody plates at front and rear, while new, lightweight alloy wheels with unique-design tyres signal purposefulness. And to protect the vehicle when the going gets tough - in either urban or off-road situations - there are smart, resilient mouldings on bumpers and sills.

"The black and silver LRX shows a real world breadth of capability. Its all-terrain ability, extra protection and load-carrying versatility help emphasise that it's an authentic Land Rover, while its compact dimensions, agile handling and efficient powertrain make it a practical proposition for everyday driving," says Phil Popham.


The LRX concept marks a bold evolution of Land Rover design, signalling the brand's potential shift into new areas of the market, while remaining true to its core values. As the company celebrates its 60th anniversary during 2008, the three-door LRX, with its more compact size, lighter weight and sustainability-focused technologies, clearly addresses the needs of a changing world and offers the potential of 120 g/km CO2 emissions and fuel economy of 60 mpg (4.7 l/100km) on the European combined cycle.

"The LRX concept delivers the powerful message that we are as serious about sustainability as we are confident about the continuing relevance and desirability of our vehicles," says Phil Popham, Land Rover's managing director. "LRX is in every respect a Land Rover, but it's a very different Land Rover.

"LRX has unmistakable Land Rover design and the breadth of capability that you'd expect from our vehicles. But it carries those essentials into a segment where the brand has never been before, and with a proposed level of efficiency that would make it one of the cleanest vehicles in its class. It is Land Rover's way of affirming the brand's responsible approach to future product development. At this stage, LRX is purely a concept, designed to help us develop our thinking as well as gauge customer reaction - but this feels like a hugely exciting direction to take."


LRX is described as a cross-coupé and dramatically extends the scope of what Land Rover represents. Though 149 mm (5.9 in) shorter than the Freelander 2 / LR2 and 205 mm (8.1 in) lower, LRX is conceived as a premium car, designed to appeal to new customers in the luxury and executive sector - those who want many of the benefits of a 4x4 and the presence of a larger vehicle, but in a more compact package.

The first all-new Land Rover revealed since Gerry McGovern became the company's design director, LRX is a natural extension of the Land Rover range, complementing the existing models and helping to define a new segment. Its many recognisable Land Rover design cues include bold new interpretations of the signature clamshell bonnet, the floating roof and the solid 'wheel-at-each-corner' stance.

"LRX is a design born out of passion for the brand, but it is different, relevant, engaging and exciting - because Land Rover has never built ordinary cars," says Gerry McGovern. "LRX has a highly desirable identity and the design alludes strongly to its capability, while clearly underlining our forward-looking philosophy - it's a Land Rover that would be comfortable on Bond Street or Fifth Avenue, but wouldn't flinch at getting its wheels dirty."

Its compact size is one of its greatest assets, which will appeal to anyone who wants the versatile ability of an agile 4x4 with the cachet of the Land Rover name. In addition, its lower weight and the reduced aerodynamic drag resulting from the smaller frontal area would help give significant gains in fuel efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions.


The white LRX is conceived as a highly fuel-efficient 2.0-litre, turbodiesel hybrid, capable of running on bio-diesel. In combination with other Land Rover technologies, this powertrain could reduce fuel consumption by as much as 30% compared with other 4x4s of comparable size, and reduce CO2 emissions to approximately 120 g/km.

LRX's improved efficiencies are the result of advanced mechanical and electrical energy-saving elements, which are combined to achieve cumulative gains in many areas.

The concept's integrated Electric Rear Axle Drive (ERAD) is particularly significant in Land Rover terms as it would allow LRX to use electric drive alone at lower speeds while retaining full (even improved) 4x4 ability in tough conditions. Unlike the hybrid technology used by some 4x4 rivals, Land Rover's unique solution retains mechanical drive to all four wheels.

Off-road, the ERAD would provide additional torque only when it is needed, and with maximum electrical torque from standstill, this solution offers even better low-speed control and enhanced pull-away on difficult surfaces (such as packed snow or wet grass) or when towing.

On the road, the ERAD would allow low-speed traffic creep up to 20 mph (32 km/h) on electric power alone, with the Integrated Starter-Generator (ISG) function re-starting the engine automatically when needed. The electric drive would then continue to assist the mechanical drive until the engine is running in its most efficient range, benefiting both fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

The ISG would also stop the engine automatically when the vehicle halts in traffic, so the engine does not idle needlessly, and restart it quickly and smoothly as required.

The electrical drive system uses power stored in a dedicated high-voltage, high-capacity, lithium-ion battery pack, independent of the normal 12-volt battery. This is charged by a regenerative braking energy system, also working through the ERAD.

LRX also incorporates Hill Descent Control and Land Rover's acclaimed and user-friendly Terrain Response system, which optimises vehicle drivability and comfort, as well as maximising traction. On LRX, this has five modes, including the new and efficiency-focused 'Eco' mode. Principally for on-road use, this configures all the integrated elements of the car's system for optimised fuel economy. The other four Terrain Response modes provided are sports (also new), general driving, sand and 'grass/gravel/snow' (a single programme for slippery surfaces).


The positioning of LRX could be described as moving subtly from traditional SUV to crossover, with its more car-like appearance and dynamics that are sportier and on-road biased. But while its character is underlined by excellent agility, handling and performance, LRX also promises the widest breadth of capability in the class.

The design of LRX was developed entirely in-house by Gerry McGovern's team, driven by a passion to create a car that truly represents Land Rover's future thinking. It has a very dynamic profile, with a distinctive taper to the floating roofline and a muscular shoulder running the length of the car, accentuated by the rising beltline. The glazing wraps right around LRX, with no exposed pillars, creating a bold design graphic. The architectural structure of the upper body can be glimpsed through the windows and roof - echoing some of the best contemporary buildings.

Pushing the wheels out to the four corners helps give the car its purposeful stance, and its front-end design makes a powerful and instantly recognisable statement of Land Rover's identity. The carefully sculpted corners dramatically reduce the car's visual overhangs front and rear.

There are new interpretations of Land Rover's traditional clamshell bonnet, distinctive headlamps and perforated two-bar grille. The car has jewel-like, tapering blade indicator clusters front and rear, and the wheelarches are wide but softly integrated, housing highly polished, 20-inch alloy wheels.

The fine detailing includes additional polished aluminium in the form of side-strips, side and bonnet vents, and the exterior door releases, which are concealed in the car's shoulders. Graphic details such as these appear to be 'punched out' of the smooth body surfaces rather than overlaid on them. The 'frosted' white paint colour was especially developed for LRX and its visual depth helps to highlight the car's form.


The interior of the LRX concept clearly demonstrates how a compact Land Rover can still be roomy, practical, versatile - and sophisticated. The impeccably executed cabin features a combination of soft leathers in rich tan and dark chocolate, with polished aluminium details, while the visible structures of the seats, instrument panel and roof architecture not only give a highly distinctive look but also help save weight.

The 'fast' sloping architecture of the centre console reflects LRX's sporty dynamics, as does the distinctive binnacle over the instrument cluster. The electronic display uses 'floating' LCD graphics to create a three-dimensional look that can be personalised for different drivers, as well as interacting with LRX's touch-screen display.

The instrument graphics present data in layers depending on their level of importance, to give maximum relevant information with minimum distraction. When appropriate, displayed information transfers between the main instrument cluster and the touch screen. Further adding to LRX's involving personality, different Terrain Response modes are matched by changes in the cabin's background 'mood' lighting colour - green in 'Eco', red in sports and blue in general driving and off-road modes.


Although LRX is compact, clever use of space makes it impressively roomy, and many neat design touches maximise its practicality. A second touch-screen area gives a fully interactive display and control for LRX's iPhone docking facility.

On either side of the horizontally-split, power-operated tailgate, removable and power-adjustable speakers include an iPod docking station. There is also a coolbox, plus a bottle chiller that can be clipped to the lowered tailgate. The tailgate also has integral aluminium cupholders between two padded seating areas, for a new twist on the idea of a traditional Land Rover tailgate lunch.

Every interior design detail combines to maximise both actual space and the feeling of space. The clear roof is supported by a 'spider' frame running into the A-pillars, and the rear quarter pillars have glazed apertures for improved visibility and a lighter feel in the cabin.

LRX's distinctive seats 'float' on individual plinths and have open frameworks to reinforce the impression of light, airy interior space - while also creating useful under-seat and under-floor stowage areas. The clever, articulated mechanism of the powered seat backs maximises interior flexibility and helps create a large, flat storage area when needed. With the rear seats folded forward, two mountain bikes can be fitted upright behind them, with front wheels removed and stored in dedicated slots in the floor. Alternatively, skis and surfboards can be accommodated in the generous load space, which has multiple tie-down options and a through-loading option.

"Flexible load-carrying capacity is fundamental to the concept of LRX," says Gerry McGovern. "With this car, we've interpreted the idea of Land Rover 'breadth of capability' to be more about versatility and on-road dynamics than about ultimate off-roading. This meets the needs of the new customers that we believe would be attracted by this type of car; they will not only appreciate LRX's flexibility, but will also recognise that it has been packaged with the highest levels of precision."


The exposed structures of the seats, roof and instrument panel are just one novel approach that Land Rover's designers have taken to reduce vehicle weight. Another example is replacing the glass for the side windows and roof with polycarbonate from SABIC Innovative Plastics, which is around 40% lighter. The polycarbonate also blocks virtually all UV light (protecting interior materials from fading), while special nano-technology within the material reduces infra-red transmission, helping to keep the interior cool.

Even the choice of premium-quality trim materials reflects Land Rover's deep thinking about sustainability, with vegetable-tanned leather (chromium-free, so better for recycling), extensive use of aluminium (both lightweight and readily recyclable) and carpeting made of felt from sustainable sources. And the luxurious, vanilla-coloured 'fine suede' on the door inserts and headliner is a 100% recycled material made from used plastic bottles and fibres.

"We are determined to make sustainability a key element in our future product design and the way we do business, while still creating vehicles that have a strong emotional appeal as well as fulfilling people's practical needs," says Phil Popham. "No single technology delivers all the answers to whole-life sustainability, but the LRX concept brings together some of the ideas for the future that interest us, integrating them into a car that we believe represents an exciting way forward for Land Rover."


  • Length: 4351 mm / 171.3 in
  • Width (excluding mirrors): 1895 mm / 74.6 in
  • Width (including mirrors): 2083 mm / 82.0 in
  • Height: 1535 mm / 60.4 in
  • Wheelbase: 2660 mm / 104.7 in
  • Engine (proposed): 2.0-litre turbodiesel
  • Fuel economy (potential): 60 mpg, 4.7 l/100 km (on European combined drive cycle)
  • CO2 emissions (potential): 120 g/km (on European combined drive cycle)


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Porsche GT3RS  (0) 2008.06.21
Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes  (0) 2008.06.21
Mazda RX-8  (0) 2008.06.07
인피니티 신형 FX 공개 - 제네바모터쇼  (0) 2008.05.31
BMW 7 serise - generation  (0) 2008.05.31
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 6. 7. 00:55

Type RS

마츠다는10일,RX-8을 마이너 체인지 하는 것과 동시에, 주행 성능을 높인 신기종 「Type RS」을 설정해 발매했다.

 이번 마이너 체인지에서는, 익스테리어에서는, 개구부를 대형화한 프런트 범퍼, 사이드 마커를 통합한 헤드 램프 유닛, 에어 아울렛 일체형의 사이드 윙커,LED내장의 리어 콤비 램프등의 채용에 의해, 스타일링을 일신.알루미 휠은, 일부 그레이드로 종래의16인치를17인치로 변경하는 것과 동시에, 로터를 본뜬3종류의 신디자인을 채용했다.보디 칼라에는 질감의 높은 「다이아몬드 그레이 메탈릭」새롭게 추가해, 전8색을 준비한다.
 인테리어에 대해서는, 「Type S」과「RX-8」에는, 방직이 세세한 패브릭 소재(블랙)를, 「Type E」에는 펀칭을 베푼 가죽 소재(블랙, 레드, 베이지의3색)를 채용한 시트, 실버 도장이나 백색의 조명을 추가한 타코미터를 새롭게 채용하는 등 질감을 향상시키고 있다.또, 메모리 기능 첨부 파워 시트, 전동 스윗치 타입의 운전석앞도기구, 센터 패널 일체형의 네비게이션 시스템등의 채용에 의해 기능성도 개선했다.

 동력 성능에 관해서는, 신형의 워터 펌프나 오일펌프의 채용등에 의한 로터리 엔진의 기본 성능의 개선,6속메뉴얼 변속기의 기어비의 재검토에 의해, 상용역으로의 가속감을 향상시키고 있다.또, 보디의 국부 강성의 향상이나 공력 특성의 개선 등 보디 구조도 재검토하는 것으로, 스포츠카로서의 주행 성능을 한층 더 진화시키고 있다.

새롭게 추가된 「Type RS」은,RX-8의“달리는 즐거움”을 한층 더 높은 차원에서 제공하기 위해서 전용의 에어로 파트나 알루미 휠, 버켓 시트등을 장비한 모델.구체적으로는, 익스테리어에서는, 대형 에어로 범퍼(프런트), 사이드 언더 스포일러, 리어 스포일러에 의해 날쌔고 용맹스러운 스타일링을 실현하는 것과 동시에, 고속 주행시의 안정성을 향상.이 외 , 로터 형상을 본뜬 암 메탈릭 도장의19인치 단조 휠,RX-8전용 설계의 비르슈타인 사제 덤퍼등을 장비해 주행성을 업 시키고 있다.인테리어에서는, 시트 중앙부의 패브릭(그레이/블랙)과 사이드 서포트부의 가죽(블랙)을 편성, 빨강 스티치를 베푼RX-8전용 디자인의RECARO사제 버켓 시트(앞자리)를 장비.또, 전용 버켓 시트에 맞춘 빨강 스티치 첨부 디자인의 스티어링 가죽권 및 시프트 노브&파킹 브레이크 레버등에 의해 스포티함을 연출하고 있다.

Type RS

전체 길이×전체 폭×전체 높이(mm)

휠 베이스(mm)


엔진 형식


최고 출력

최대 토르크

10:15모드 연비


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Bugatti Veyron Fbg par Hermes  (0) 2008.06.21
Land rover - LRX Geneva concept  (0) 2008.06.14
인피니티 신형 FX 공개 - 제네바모터쇼  (0) 2008.05.31
BMW 7 serise - generation  (0) 2008.05.31
신형 인피니티 FX  (0) 2008.05.24
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 5. 31. 00:55

몇일전 포스팅했던 인피니티의 FX가 제네바쇼에서 공개됐습니다. 그전에 촬영 된 스파이샷과 별다른 변경없이 그대로 나온것 같습니다. 그전에 5.5L엔진을 장착 할것으로 알려졌지만 공개 된 FX는 소문과는 달리 5.0L V8 390마력 엔진(VK50VE)과 7단 변속기를 달고 출시가 되었습니다. 이 엔진은 기존의 4.5L엔진을 대체하는 새로운 엔진이며 유럽에 판매되는 인피니티 중에서는 가장 고성능입니다. 새롭게 개발 된 7단 변속기에는  ASC (Adaptive Shift Control)이 장착되어 스로트를 조절 할 수 있도록 되어있습니다.

새로운 FX에는 닛산이 자랑하는 아테사(ATTESA-E TS) 4륜구동 시스템이 ESP와 TCS와 함께 장착됩니다.

기존의 1시대 FX가 출시되었을 때, '도로위로 뛰쳐나온 컨셉카'라는 말이 있었을 정도로 충격적이었습니다. 하지만 이번 2세대 FX는 전체적인 스타일링과 포지션을 유지한 채 디테일한 부분을 변경하여 기존의 FX와 유사한 모습으로 출시되었습니다. 따라서 그 전의 충격은 없었지만 더욱 드라마틱하고 스포티한 모습으로 변한 듯 합니다. 그 배경에는 시선을 사로잡는 21인치 초대형 광폭 휠이 한 역할을 한것 같습니다.

새로운 FX는 2008년 6월경 미국시장에 출시되고, 10월쯤 유럽시장에서 판매될 예정입니다.
국내 판매 소식은 아직 모르겠습니다.

아래는 인피니티 FX의 기사입니다.

– All-New, iconic Infiniti FX50 Offers Power, Refinement, Safety and Exhilaration –

Already a strong contender in the United States and other global markets, the Infiniti FX performance luxury crossover SUV takes on Western Europe with an all-new, second-generation design featuring a newly developed 5.0-liter V8, 7-speed automatic transmission, enhanced exterior styling, advanced interior design and innovative technology and safety equipment.

• The Infiniti FX represents a fusion of sports car and SUV, with breathtaking styling, sports car-like proportions and a sports car platform
• New 390 horsepower 5.0-liter 32-valve VVEL V8 with 500Nm of torque
• 7-speed automatic transmission with Adaptive Shift Control (ASC), Downshift Rev Matching and solid magnesium paddle shifters
• The V8-equipped FX50 will be joined by a V6-equipped model (details to be announced later)
• Infiniti Intelligent four-wheel drive system called ATTESA-E TS with Electronic Stability Program (ESP) and Traction Control (TCS)
• Suspension with active Continuous Damping Control (CDC), advanced Rear Active Steer system
• Super-lightweight 21-inch wheels with 265/45R21 performance tires
• Standard advanced technologies, such as, DVD based navigation system, Around View Monitor, Adaptive Front lighting System and Intelligent Key
• High quality interior materials, with special attention to detail and safety
• Standard Bose? audio system

The all-new Infiniti FX50 will be available in North America in June 2008 and in European markets starting from October 2008.

In keeping with Infiniti’s well defined product strategy, the new FX is inviting in every dimension, from the nimble feel of its quick and controlled response to driver input, to the ride comfort provided by its Dual Flow Pass shock absorbers and quick response to body motion inputs, to the unique “Infiniti feel” under acceleration and braking.

Infiniti’s designers and engineers’ overall goal in the development of the second-generation FX crossover was to enhance its “sports car ability” while adding refinement – without compromising either side of the equation. The new FX’s creators also wanted to give the vehicle a more “human” feel, despite its mechanical strengths, by integrating the latest technology with owners’ lifestyles.

The new FX50 is designed to be highly adaptive to both the driver and driving conditions, utilizing a long list of Infiniti technologies and systems, including Variable Valve Event & Lift (V-VEL) engine technology, Adaptive Shift Control, Suspension with active Continuous Damping Control (CDC), Rear Active Steering, Around View Monitor, Intelligent Cruise Control (Full Speed Range) and Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA).

The new Infiniti FX continues with the breathtaking exterior styling and “sports car proportions” that helped the original stand out from all other performance luxury crossovers on the market. The FX blends the substantial lower body of an SUV with the long hood, stretched wheelbase, short front and rear overhangs, low overall height and elegant upper body more commonly found on sports cars – conveying its strong performance personality and breakthrough design architecture at a single glance.

For the new FX generation, distinctive side air vents have been added behind the front wheels. Also, the front wheels have been moved 35 millimeters forward (from the previous generation FX) and the front track has been widened by 50 millimeters – providing an even more pronounced performance stance.

The FX’s design starts with a new front end appearance, led by a lustrous Infiniti signature double-arch front grille, standard fog lamps and Bi-Xenon headlights. The FX50 also includes an automatic-on feature that switches on the headlights automatically on at dusk and a standard Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS). This system automatically controls the lighting pattern and directional aim, based on steering wheel angle and vehicle speed (the headlights can swivel headlights up to 17 degrees).

The FX’s new flat blade windshield wipers and wiper arm design optimize aerodynamic performance – helping improve wiping performance at high speeds and reducing wind noise at high speed. A new rain-sensing feature automatically tunes the wiper pace and speed according to the frequency of the precipitation (as detected by sensors).

The new side air vents are also functional, allowing air to flow from inside the engine compartment to outside the vehicle, reducing high under-hood air pressure. The side vents reduce front end lift by five percent for improved high speed stability.

The Infiniti FX’s aggressive silhouette is highlighted by a strong front-to-rear shoulder line, “taut canopy” greenhouse with chromed window frames, rearward-sloping roofline, integrated rear spoiler and polished roof rails. In the rear, the FX’s simple, bold appearance features LED taillights that extend beyond the body to help create aerodynamic down force and large dual exhaust outlets with chrome finishers.

The FX’s coefficient of drag has been improved to 0.35 from 0.37, with the engineers finessing even the smallest details to help manage airflow, including the front bumper sides, rear spoiler angle and taillight shape.

Under the FX’s polished, assertive styling is an equally advanced body structure. FX utilizes the rigid FM (Front Midship) platform architecture used on the Infiniti G 37, G37 Coupe. The FM platform offers sports car-like front-to-rear weight balance – 54/46 – for exceptional handling.

Additional development was undertaken to reduce weight and enhance body strength. For example, the FX’s aluminum front and rear door panels, which have the same strength and stiffness of conventional steel doors, are 20 kilograms lighter (total for all four doors), allowing the FX to maintain a power-to-weight ratio that is among the best in class. The FX weights 90 kilograms less in body structure weight alone. The new FX’s body is also 1.6 times more resistant to twisting and 3.4 times more resistant to bending than the previous generation FX design.

The new FX utilizes Infiniti’s advanced “Scratch Shield” paint, a special “self-healing” clearcoat paint designed to maintain its gloss-level over time. The paint “repairs” fine scratches, such as fingernail scratches under door handles, restoring the FX’s surface close to its original state. The FX50 is offered in seven exterior colors.

The Infiniti FX’s sporty interior is designed to combine a driver-oriented cockpit/command center with a warm, modern, comfortable passenger environment – all wrapped in rich, natural materials. The high-tech interior design includes an Infiniti signature “double-wave” instrument panel and white-and-violet electroluminescent gauges.

The FX50 comes with a new front sport seat design with an adjustable air-type side support system for added lateral support during “sporty” driving sessions. The driver’s seat features 10-way power-adjustability with lumbar support and a 2-position Driver’s Seat Memory system, while the passenger’s seat is an 8-way power-adjustable design. Covered in a special quilted leather sew pattern, the front sport seats include adjustable thigh extensions, which add an extra level of comfort for drivers and passengers with long legs or for long distance travel. Whereas the front seats include an enhanced climate controlled system with heating and cooling functions for maximum comfort.

Standard on the FX50 is a new Automatic Driving Position System, which moves the seat, steering wheel and outside mirrors adaptively into the correct position. This system allows the driver to change the seat position while driving and keep the same viewpoint and relationship between the steering column and driver’s shoulder position.

The FX interior offers white-and-violet “Fine Vision” electroluminescent gauges with “gear-like” rings on the instrument cluster meters, standard 8.0-inch multi-information display monitor and signature Infiniti analog clock. The center console/shifter area is available in a black quartz finisher or special Curly Maple wood trim, inspired by classical violins, giving a sense of warmth throughout.

The FX interior also offers a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob, along with front door pockets, front seatback pockets, dual front and rear cup holders, locking glove compartment and four assist grips. Other standard equipment includes four 12-volt power outlets, all power windows with one-touch up/down function and power door locks, cargo area tonneau cover and cargo multi partition net, along with aluminum pedals, power tilt and telescoping steering wheel, Infiniti Intelligent Key with push button start and a special 12-point “welcome lighting” system.

The thoughtful design behind the interior of the Infiniti FX extends to the available custom-engineered Bose sound system. The acoustic effect of nearly every interior detail was analyzed. Then, the 11-speaker system was customized for the unique acoustic environment inside the FX. As a result, each listener can enjoy music that approaches the power and emotion of a concert hall performance.”

Occupant comfort takes many forms in the new FX50, including the air that driver and passengers breathe. A standard filter, using fiber impregnated with natural grape seed polyphenol, has the ability to neutralize allergens that conventional filters cannot remove due to their incredibly small size (0.3 to 0.5 microns).

The FX50’s advanced Infiniti Navigation System features a 7-language media display and coverage of more than 30 European countries, along with an advanced RDS-TMC system with real-time traffic information system. A Voice Recognition system comes with the navigation system and includes voice activation for common climate control, navigation, audio system and phone functions.

The 2009 Infiniti FX is offered in three interior color schemes.

The Infiniti FX50 features a new powerplant, which makes it debut on this model – an advanced 5.0-liter V8 that is mounted low in the chassis to help lower the FX50’s center of gravity. The engine design includes twin symmetrical air intakes, microfinished crankshaft, lightweight pistons, super-silent cam drive chains and an electrically driven cooling fan to help optimize performance.

The goals for the development of the FX50’s all-new VK50VE V8 started with outstanding power output – 390 horsepower (287kw) and 500 Nm of torque – a high rev limit, a powerful engine sound from a specially tuned exhaust and improved fuel economy versus the previous generation FX45. Even small details were evaluated in designing the new engine, including control of oil mist density in crankcase for reduced friction

One of the keys to the new V8’s impressive performance is the adoption of Infiniti’s patented Variable Valve Event & Lift (VVEL) valve control technology, which was first introduced on the Infiniti G37 Coupe. The VVEL system continuously adjusts valve event and lift amounts, enabling higher fuel efficiency with higher torque and improved emissions over conventional variable valve designs. The VVEL intake camshafts, which feature continuously variable lift control teamed with a Continuously Variable Valve Timing Control system (CVTC), allow for a 6,900 rpm redline and a high compression ratio of 10.9:1.

The FX50 is comes standard with a new seven-speed automatic gear box with Adaptive Shift Control (ASC) allowing a downshift blip control. FX50’s standard magnesium paddle shifters enable drivers to shift the transmission without releasing their hands from the steering wheel, helping maintain stability for the driver when accelerating or decelerating on winding roads.

Infiniti’s advanced ESP system with Traction Control System (TCS) is standard on all FX models. ESP adjusts brake pressure and engine torque automatically in understeer, oversteer or slippery road surface situations, helping the driver keep the intended path. A cancel switch allows the driver to switch off the ESP system when desired.

The FX50 is equipped with Infiniti’s intelligent four-wheel drive system called ATTESA E-TS? (Advanced Total Traction Engineering System for All Electronic Torque Split), which uses an advanced torque split control strategy that automatically transfers optimum torque to the wheels according to road and driving conditions. The system provides outstanding handling due to optimum torque distribution from front to rear (50:50 up to 0:100). ATTESA E-TS? also provides high starting traction performance and smooth, stable acceleration, especially in snow-covered or off-road situations with a 50:50 torque split at standing start.

When the FX50 accelerates from a standing stop, the ATTESA E-TS? system provides power to all four wheels. Once up to speed, if the system’s sensors detect that all-wheel drive is not needed, up to 100 percent of the power is sent to the rear wheels. This rear-bias offers better handling balance and improved fuel efficiency. The system can then divert power forward at any time as traction/road conditions dictate, helping ensure that power always goes where grip is the greatest.

The FX50's dynamic handling is a result of its suspension using light weight and aluminium components in the front and rear to reduce unsprung weight (weight not supported by the springs), helping to improve both ride and handling.

The new double-wishbone front suspension design, similar to that utilized on the Infiniti G37 and G37 Coupé, replaces the previous generation FX’s front strut-type suspension. The suspension’s upper and lower A-arms help provide superior control of a wheel’s motion, especially when the suspension compresses and extends, providing more travel than the previous strut design. The net result is a better ride and improved handling.

The FX50’s rear suspension utilizes the multi-link design from the previous generation, refined to weigh less and provide more wheel travel – again for improved ride and handling. A lightweight, high-strength steel rear subframe is utilized to isolate the FX’s body and its passengers from road noise and vibrations. Its compact design benefits to room in the rear passenger and cargo area. Large diameter stabilizer bars are utilized front and rear.

The suspension system also incorporates special “dual flow pass” shock absorber technology with rebound springs for responsive yet comfortable ride and firm, tight handling.

The new FX50 includes standard active Continuous Damping Control (CDC) system with special electronically controlled shock absorbers. Unlike conventional fixed damping force shock absorbers, the suspension with active Continuous Damping Control (CDC) takes the input from a variety of sensors and continuously alters the damping of the shocks to provide optimal ride and handling. The system features a driver-selectable switch with two settings, “Auto” and “Sport,” allowing the driver to control the shock valving levels.

The FX50’s standard Rear Active Steer system is the first of its kind available in an SUV. Unlike passive rear steering systems, this design features precise, electronic motor-driven control to turn the rear wheels up to one degree, helping generate a nimble steering response at low speeds and enhance stability at high speeds. Rear Active Steer moves the FX50’s rear wheels in accordance with the front-wheel steering angle and vehicle speed, rather than passively following the front wheels. The result is a vehicle that is able to change direction with improved quickness, precision and stability.

The new FX maintains its small turning radius (5.6m) despite its larger wheel and tire package. Its engineers focused on improving steering feedback from the advanced speed-sensitive rack-and-pinion power steering system and reduced “play” in the steering mechanism for more direct vehicle response to steering input.

Secure braking performance is provided by the FX50’s 4-wheel ventilated disc brakes with Brake Assist (BA) and Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD). The FX50 system features 4-piston front/2-piston rear calipers, similar to those utilized on the new Infiniti G37 Coupé, and large brake rotors (355x22 mm front/350x20 mm rear). Braking system dimensions and high thermal capacity have been tailored specifically to European driving needs, providing a secure and stable feeling at very high speeds and high deceleration rates.

The FX50 features metallic-finish six-spoke cast-alloy 9.5Jx21-inch wheels made by Enkei. These wheels are created using a special type of ultra-lightweight casting and are as light as a competitor’s 18-inch wheels. They are mounted with 265/45R21 performance tires.


The new Infiniti FX50 offers a wide range of advanced available technology and safety systems, helping reinforce the strong sense of communication between the FX50 and its driver – as well as providing a secure and inviting feel.

The FX50 comes standard with the unique Infiniti Around View Monitor utilizes four small superwide-angle cameras – mounted on the front, side and rear of the FX50 – to project an all-around view of potential objects on every side of the vehicle, helping reduce blind spots when parking. The system uses advanced image processing to provide a unique “Birds-Eye View” of the vehicle, making it easy for the driver to position the FX50 for parallel parking by simultaneously confirming the exact placement of the front and rear of the vehicle. The system includes front and rear sonar sensors for camera assistance, also displayed in an easily understandable fashion on the display.

The FX50’s standard Intelligent Cruise Control (Full Speed range) system combines the brakes, throttle and laser rangefinder with the cruise control system to automatically maintain a set distance between the FX50 and a vehicle in front of it. FX50’s Intelligent Cruise Control operates in “Full Speed Range” (from 0km/h) hence reducing the driver’s workload in congested traffic as well as smooth long distance travel. The Intelligent Cruise Control assists the driver with acceleration and deceleration actions and stops the FX50 if traffic requires.

Standard on the FX50’s, Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) system uses the laser rangefinder from the Intelligent Cruise Control’s (ICC) system and analyzes closing speeds to a vehicle ahead to help prevent or reduce damage caused by a rear-end collision. If a forward collision is imminent with the vehicle in front of the FX50 and the driver must take immediate avoidance action, the system sounds a warning to prompt driver action. When a rear-end collision cannot be avoided by the driver’s action, the system activates the brakes to decelerate the vehicle, thereby helping to reduce damage resulting from the collision. IBA can apply up to 0.5g braking force (1.0g is considered close to the maximum possible braking force).

The FX's enhanced FM platform Zone Body Construction is designed to help protect occupants in a collision by helping to absorb crash energy through use of front and rear crushable zones. In a high-speed frontal collision, for example, the crushable zone crumples while the engine is designed to move under the occupant compartment. This has the effect of expanding the crushable zone, thereby helping to reduce deceleration g-force and simultaneously helping minimize cabin deformation, especially in the lower leg area. In offset impacts, the body construction helps decrease the amount of cabin deformation. Special high-resistance steel is used for light weight and improved strength.

As with all Infiniti vehicles, significant time was spent to ensure excellent passenger safety. The first-generation FX received 5 Stars for all measures in the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) testing, and the new second-generation FX is expected to offer similar or better occupant protection.

Other standard safety features found on the FX50 include a seat belt reminder system; airbags for driver and front passenger with front hip-thorax side airbags and front-to-rear curtain airbag for rear passengers. Also standard are 3-point front seat belts with pretensioners and load limiters, front seat Active Head Restraints.

The FX50 also features a breakaway brake pedal and double-wall bulkhead construction to help reduce lower leg injuries and a breakaway construction of the propeller shaft (connected with the engine-drop function).

The FX50’s standard Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) uses pressure sensors with transmitters mounted inside each wheel, which transmit data by radio wave to a control module, sending tire pressure information to a center display indicator on the FX50’s information panel. A warning lamp and display indicates when a low tire pressure condition (less than 75 percent of normal pressure) is detected.

The new Infiniti FX50 will be offered with a 5.0-liter V8 powerplant and intelligent all-wheel drive and is equipped with exceptional level of standard equipment. Exact details and availability will be announced at a later stage by each market. The FX50 will be joined by a V6 powered model, details of which will also be announced later.

The new Infiniti FX50 is a radical expression of sport and utility – designed to stand out by every measure. With the most highly demanded features in class included as standard equipment, FX50 combines advanced technology with exceptional levels of performance, style, luxury, safety and quality.


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Land rover - LRX Geneva concept  (0) 2008.06.14
Mazda RX-8  (0) 2008.06.07
BMW 7 serise - generation  (0) 2008.05.31
신형 인피니티 FX  (0) 2008.05.24
MB C-class generation  (0) 2008.05.24
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 5. 31. 00:54

The BMW 7 Series is a line of full-size luxury vehicles produced by the German automaker BMW. It replaced the "New Six" models in 1977. It is BMW's flagship car and is only available as a sedan.

E23 (1977–1986)

The BMW E23 is an automobile platform that was the basis for the first BMW 7 Series luxury car, produced by the German automaker BMW. Replacing the BMW E3 large sedan, the E23 was produced for ten years from 1977 to 1987 and was replaced by the BMW E32 7 Series in 1986.

All E23 7 Series models (with the exception of the 745i) were built with the 12-valve type-M30 six-cylinder engine as used in the older E3 and E9 cars. Although most E23 engines were fuel-injected, two models (the 728 and 730) were available with a Solex four-barrel carburetor until 1979, when they were replaced by the fuel-injected 728i. Early fuel-injected models used the Bosch L-jetronic system while later models used the more advanced digital Bosch Motronic system.

The E23 7 series cars were very upscale and sophisticated for their time. They were the first BMWs fitted with service interval indicators, a 'check control' that alerted the driver to various system faults, and complex climate control systems. On-board computers and anti-lock braking system (ABS) were optional on early models but later became standard features. A variety of options included leather upholstery, several types of wood trim, power seats, seat heaters, and power windows and mirrors. Later models were fitted with a driver's air bag. Four-speed and five-speed manual gearboxes were available (depending on the year) and an automatic transmission was also available.

A minor styling update in 1983 affected the 'nose' of the car (the front 'kidney' grilles, valance/spoiler, bumpers etc) as well as the dashboard and instrument panels which received updates plus (in the UK) the 735i received the Motronic 3430 cc engine (replacing the 3453 cc) and rear suspension modifications as well as numerous other minor changes. In the US, 1984 saw the arrival of the optional 4 speed automatic transmission (replacing the 3 speed unit previously offered), upgraded wood trim above the glove compartment and on the ashtray (previously plastic in all US models), electrically adjustable power seats and larger Michelin TRX radials with special TRX wheels (later standard on all 1985-1987 735i/L7 models) on the 5 speed manual models.

The 745i was a special high-performance model offered in left-hand-drive European markets between 1979 and 1986. It was originally fitted with a specially-prepared 3.2 L type-M30 six cylinder engine and a turbocharger producing 10 psi of boost, BMW engine code M102. In 1984 the engine grew to 3.4 L, BMW engine code M106, produced 6 psi intake pressure, and produced the same power output as the M102. These cars were all built with automatic transmissions (although there is documentation supporting how the ECU was modified at the factory to work with Getrag 5 speeds), and could be ordered with exotic options such as heated front and rear power reclining seats, auto-on aux interior gasoline fired heaters, leather covered cellular telephones, front and rear seat heaters, rear-armrest radio control, water buffalo hide upholstery, and burl wood trim. The water buffalo interior model was the Executive trim option, while the High Line trim package offered ivory leather interior trim including a leather dash board, sun visors, headliner, and other leather bits not offered on the Executive.

A different 745i was built for the South Africa market, because the turbocharger on the European-market 745i could not be installed in right-hand-drive versions of the car. This car was fitted with the 286 hp (213 kW) dual-camshaft 24-valve type-M88 /3 Motorsport engine (with a Bosch ML-Jetronic fuel injection system) as used in the M635i, and M5. 209 of these cars were built between 1984 and 1986, fitted with either an automatic transmission or a 5-speed 'sport' gearbox. Of the 209 cars built 192 were automatics and 17 were fitted with manual gearboxes.

BMW South Africa ran one of these 745i models in Class A of the South African Modified Saloon Car Championship, the only BMW-Sanctioned motor sport application in the history of BMW 7-series cars.

 E32( 1987–1994)

In 1986, BMW introduced the second generation of the 7 series, known internally as the E32. Aimed at the high end of the luxury market, the car offered some of the latest innovations in automotive technology, and a new, top-of-the-line V12 engine. Some luxury options featured on the E32 included integrated telephone and fax machines, a wine cooler, double glazing, heated door locks and windscreen washer nozzles, electronic stability control, and a system that automatically increased spring pressure on the windshield wipers, to keep them firmly pressed on the glass at Autobahn speeds. Incidentally, the E32 was the first car adhering to BMW's self-imposed speed limit of 250 km/h (155.37 mp/h). According to the official American brochure in 1986, the ungoverned 750iL could reach 300 km/h (186.4 mph) with a side note that the terminal speed was electronically restricted.

The car was also available in a stretched version (indicated by an 'L' after the model number), in which case an extra 11 centimetres (4.3 in) of leg room was available to the rear passengers by stretching the rear doors, and the body at this point.

The BMW 750iL Highline was the top-of-the-line model of the E32, with lots of added luxury for the rear passengers like full leather, dual radio controls, dual climate control with coolbox mounted in the center console, electrically heated and adjustable rear seats, walnut veneer folding tables, two crystal glasses neatly placed in the coolbox, legrests, and sun shade all around the rear/side windows. Complete with independent heating and ventillation, it also added a second battery in the trunk and a second alternator to provide power for all these luxuries. The 'Highline' option package cost more than €10.000, and was only available on the 750iL, bringing the total price to well over twice that of a 'basic' 730i ('basic' to be taken in context).

The E32 was offered with several different engines, all petrol. At the car's introduction, the 730 and 735 used the straight-6 M30 engine, while the 750 featured the all-new M70 V12 engine which produced 300 bhp. In 1992, a new 32-valve V8 engine was introduced, the M60. The 730i got this engine in a 3-liter version, while the new 740i got the 4-liter version. Both versions were coupled to a new, 5 speed automatic transmission made by ZF. In some countries, there were serious problems with the M60 engine because of sulfur corrosion problems in its nikasil cylinder block. The cylinder lining would quickly wear, causing the engine to lose compression, which caused rough idling and eventually the engine would fail to start. Many engines were replaced under warranty; the problem was corrected by using a different material.

BMW continued to offer the 730 with the straight-6 M30 engine (as well as the V8) in Europe until 1994, when the E38 was introduced.

Externally, the BMW 'kidney' grille indicated which engine was present under the hood: all 6-cylinder models had a narrow grille, and all 8- and 12-cylinder models had the wider version. This feature was not seen on later models (the E38 used a wide grille for all models).

E38 (1994–2001)

The BMW E38 automobile platform was the basis for the 1994 through 2001 BMW 7 Series automobiles. It replaced the BMW E32 in 1995 and itself was replaced by the BMW E65/E66 for the 2002 model year.

The E38 models were offered with either a five-speed automatic or manual transmission. The engine variants in Europe were 725tds, 728i, 730i, 730d, 735i, 740i (4.0 and 4.4 L), 740d and 750i (with a 5.4 L 322 bhp (240 kW) engine, as was used in the Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph).

In the Americas, the models were sold as the 740i, 740iL and 750iL. The 740i and 740iL share the same 4.4 L V8 engine. The 740iL is essentially a long-wheelbase 740i (hence the "L" in the model name). The considerably rarer 5.4 L V12-powered 750iL was only available as a long-body; there was no E38 750i in the US lineup. The 750iL was BMW's flagship sedan.

Features of the E38 7 Series included high-pressure headlight washers, auto-leveling xenon HID headlamps, power moonroof, a sound system with 14 speakers and four subwoofers as well as 6-disc CD changer, onboard satellite navigation and rain-sensing wipers. Other features included an automatic climate control system with separate controls for the driver and passenger, a three-position memory system for the driver’s seat, safety-belt height, new steering wheel and outside mirrors. Front-seat side airbags and a Head Protection System (HPS) were also standard. The car featured an all-leather interior with burl walnut trim. The continuous-motion Active Comfort Seat technology was introduced in 1998 to improve comfort and reduce fatigue for the driver and front passenger.

The base prices in 2001 were US$62,900 for the 740i, US$66,900 for the 740iL and US$92,100 for the 750iL.

740iL and 750iL Protection Line light-armored vehicles were built from 2000-2001, and cost US$99,100 and US$124,400, respectively. These models included body armor, bullet-resistant glass and run-flat tires.

A rare executive V12-powered stretch limousine was also produced, called the BMW L7.

When the E38 was phased out in 2001 to make way for the new E65, sales of E38s increased noticeably in the car's final months of production as people moved to buy the car before it was replaced. The E65's radical styling and iDrive was not initially well-received by consumers, so demand for the E38 rose and used E38s increased in value. Also contributing to the E38's continued popularity was its appearance in the BMW Film Ambush, even though it was the only featured car in the series to be replaced the following year.

The E38 has been successfully modified with a large number of after market performance tools, including free-flow exhaust and intake systems, suspension adjustment, and braking system performance upgrades.

Engine tuning companies such as Alpina, Dinan and Hartge have built both turbocharged and supercharged versions of the M73 V12 motor.

E65/E66 (2002–present)

The E65/E66 automobile platform is the basis for the 2002 through present BMW 7 series. It replaced the BMW E38 in 2002. E65 is the designation of the short wheel base version of the automobile, and E66 is the designation of the long wheel base version.

The arrival of this model heralded a new styling era for BMW with the work of chief designer Chris Bangle. The "Bangle-butt" rear styling has been especially controversial, and was toned down in a 2005 restyling. In addition, early production E65s were fraught with problems, the vast majority of which were caused by software issues, as well as the iDrive controversy. BMW repurchased a substantial number of 2002 and 2003 7 series cars in the USA. Subsequent software updates have largely cured these issues. Furthermore, BMW of North America extended the factory warranty on all 2002 and 2003 model year 7 series cars sold in the USA to 6 years or 100,000 miles (160,000 km) from the original 4-year or 50,000-mile (80,000 km) coverage.

The E65/E66 are the only BMW cars that are available with the top of the line 6.0 liter V12 gasoline and 4.4 liter V8 turbodiesel engines, respectively the BMW N73 760i V12 and BMW M67D44 745d V8 Turbodiesel models.

The 2008 United States MSRP for the BMW 7 Series is: $75,800 (750i), $78,900 (750Li), and $122,600 (760Li).

In December 2007, The New Zealand government bought 34 diesel BMW 7 Series limousines to be used by the Prime Minister, the Members of Parliment and visiting dignatories to the country, this was at an estimated cost of over NZD$3 million.

The current 7 Series is available on two different platforms: the standard-wheelbase E65 (2990 mm, 118 in) and the extended-wheelbase E66 (3130 mm, 123 in).

The E65/E66 7 Series features BMW's first of a kind iDrive system, consisting of a video screen in the dashboard and a controller mounted on the center console that is used in a similar way to a computer mouse. Using a system of eight menus, most of the car's climate, audio, navigation, suspension and communication settings are controlled via iDrive. However, the system has been criticized by many automotive writers as being too complex and not intuitive enough.

"Active" Seat continuous passive motion technology is made standard equipment on the 750/760 models and included in the Luxury Seating Package with heated and ventilated seats for driver and front passenger on the 745 models.

The car has been available in twelve variants—of those, 11 are now in production and on sale in Europe, with four available in the U.S. since diesel models are not yet available there.
BMW plans to offer a car that runs on both petrol and hydrogen, to be called the Hydrogen 7. Drivers will be able to switch what fuel they are using with the push of a button. However, only 100 will be built in total

The BMW 7 Series will undergo its next redesign and facelift in 2008 which is thought to be a "Baby Roller", with the new model going on sale in early 2009. This will be the only luxury vehicle in the world to offer petrol, diesel, hybrid and now a hydrogen powertrain. Test mules are reportedly equipped with new, twin-turbo V8 engines producing 500hp.


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mazda RX-8  (0) 2008.06.07
인피니티 신형 FX 공개 - 제네바모터쇼  (0) 2008.05.31
신형 인피니티 FX  (0) 2008.05.24
MB C-class generation  (0) 2008.05.24
Audi S5 and TTS  (0) 2008.05.10
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 5. 24. 00:53


 얼마전 스파이샷이 촬영 된 인피니티의 SUV인 FX시리즈가 이번 제네바 모터쇼에 맞춰 등장 할 것으로 보입니다.
인피니티의 데뷔 20주년을 기념해서 등장 할 새로운 FX는 제네바쇼장 이외에 별도로 마련 된 곳에서 행사가 치뤄질것으로 보입니다.
 인피니티는 얼마전 유럽 시장에 G와 EX 모델을 내놓을것이라고 발표했으며, 이번 FX의 데뷔와 함께 세 차종을 함께 발표할것이라 합니다. 이런점으로 볼 때 유럽 고급차시장을 향한 닛산의 야심을 볼 수 있습니다. 닛산은 인피니티 브랜드를 그동안 미국 외에 한국과 대만, 러시아등 일부지역에서만 선보였는데 이번 유럽시장 런칭을 통해 전 세계 자동차 시장으로 브랜드를 확대할 것이라고 합니다. 

신형 FX는 37, 55의 가솔린 엔진과 함께 르노의 V6디젤엔진이 더해지며 2011년 쯤 닛산의 차세대 하이브리드엔진도 올라갈 것이라 합니다.


- FX45 -


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

인피니티 신형 FX 공개 - 제네바모터쇼  (0) 2008.05.31
BMW 7 serise - generation  (0) 2008.05.31
MB C-class generation  (0) 2008.05.24
Audi S5 and TTS  (0) 2008.05.10
람보르기니  (0) 2008.05.10
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 5. 24. 00:53

The Mercedes-Benz C-Class is a luxury compact car produced by the Mercedes Car Group division of Daimler AG. First introduced in 1993 as a replacement for the 190 range, the C-Class was the most affordable model in the marque's lineup, until the 1997 arrival of the A-Class. The C-Class is built at Mercedes-Benz factories in Sindelfingen and Bremen, Germany, as well as in DaimlerChrysler's South African factory in East London. The very first W202 C-Class sedan was produced on June 1, 1993, and the second generation W203 C-Class rolled off the assembly line on July 18, 2000. The third generation W204 C-Class was launched in 2007.

The C-Class platform has been used for several coupes, including the CLC-Class (and its predecessor, the C-Class Sportcoupe) and CLK-Class.

W201 (1982-1993)

The Mercedes-Benz W201 was introduced in November 1982 as the Mercedes-Benz 190. £600 million was spent researching and developing this car with Mercedes-Benz acutely aware that a failure of this model could easily bring down the rest of their model range and the entire company’s reputation. Mercedes-Benz said the 190 was 'massively over-engineered'. The UK market was kept waiting up to 12 months longer than mainland Europe to get the 190s into the showrooms, and as soon as the vehicles arrived in showrooms, they were sold. Local 'red tape' in Bremen prevented MB from building the 190 there, so production was started in Sindelfingen at a capacity of just 140,000 units per year. Eventually after just the first year, Bremen was cleared for production of the 190 and these lines replaced the commercial vehicle lines at Bremen which included the first running modifications since its release.

The model was a single 4 door saloon/sedan body type which was designed to fill a hole in the model range below the W123 Mercedes E-class series. It was quickly dubbed "the Baby Benz". Amongst the items that were a first for Mercedes was the 190's patented 5-link suspension at the rear, used in subsequent E- and C- class models, and developments used today in Mercedes road cars. It had front and rear anti-roll bars, and anti-dive, anti-squat geometry. The 190 was available with airbags, ABS brakes and seatbelt tensioners, advanced safety features.

 W202 (1993–2001)

The Mercedes-Benz C-Class is a luxury compact car produced by the Mercedes Car Group division of Daimler AG. First introduced in 1993 as a replacement for the 190 range, the C-Class was the most affordable model in the marque's lineup, until the 1997 arrival of the A-Class. The C-Class is built at Mercedes-Benz factories in Sindelfingen and Bremen, Germany, as well as in DaimlerChrysler's South African factory in East London. The very first W202 C-Class sedan was produced on June 1, 1993, and the second generation W203 C-Class rolled off the assembly line on July 18, 2000. The third generation W204 C-Class was launched in 2007.

The C-Class platform has been used for several coupes, including the CLC-Class (and its predecessor, the C-Class Sportcoupe) and CLK-Class.

On its debut, the C-Class was the only Mercedes model with a complete lineup of multivalve engines. The new family of four cylinder petrol units, called M111, debuted in the C 180 (1.8 L, 122 PS (120 hp/90 kW)), C 200 (2.0 L, 136 PS (134 hp/100 kW) and C 220 (2.2 L, 150 PS (148 hp/110 kW), the only four cylinder of the range sold in the U.S.). In 1996 the C 220 was replaced by the C 230, enlarged to 2.3 L displacement but with the same output, although with torque increased to 220 N·m (162 ft·lbf). . The top of the range was the C 280, with a four-valve-per-cylinder straight-6 engine, capable of reaching 193 PS (190 hp/142 kW).

Four cylinder diesel models were equipped with the same OM601 engine of the 190, in the 2.0 L and 2.2 L versions. Many of these diesel variants were sold as taxis, due to their low fuel consumption and strong reliability. There were also more powerful five cylinder engines (OM605) which were available in naturally aspired (C 250 D) and turbocharged (C 250 TD) forms. The Turbodiesel was introduced in 1995 and is one of the novelties in the engine range available from this year. The most important was a supercharged version of the M111 straight four, the C 230 Kompressor, using a Roots-type supercharger to generate 193 PS (190 hp/142 kW) at 5300 rpm: Mercedes-Benz reused supercharger technology after 50 years. Export models in Portugal and Italy featured a supercharged version of the smaller 2.0 L (C 200 Kompressor), which had a similar output of the C 230 Kompressor.

With the 1997 restyling, a lot of things changed under the hood of the Baby Benz. The most important innovation was the OM611, the first turbodiesel engine equipped with a Common rail direct injection system (co-developed with Bosch). The new model was named C 220 CDI, and had an output improvement of 30 PS compared with the C 220 Diesel, better fuel average and lower emissions. Another revolution regarded six cylinder engines: the legendary straight six were replaced by an all new family of V6. These new engines, the M112, featured SOHC heads instead of the previous DOHC, three valves per cylinder, instead of four, and twin sparkplugs. So the four cylinder C 230 was replaced by the C 240 (2.4 L) and the I6 C 280 by the V6 C 280. These changes theoretically reduced emissions and fuel consumption without sacrificing power (the C 280 in fact had a slight 4 PS increase with the change).

In the last four years of production the W202 received a few changes in the engine range. In 1998 a less powerful version of the 2.2 L turbodiesel was added, called C 200 CDI, which replaced the C 220 Diesel. In 2000 the C 200 Kompressor T's output was cut to 163 PS (161 hp/120 kW), the C 240 T displacement was enlarged from 2.4 L to 2.6 L, but output remained at 170 PS (168 hp/125 kW) and the C 180 got a 2.0 L engine.

 W203 (2000–2007)

The second generation C-Class was introduced in 2000, with an even sportier look than the previous generations, with a steeper front-end and shorter rear-end. The sedan debuted with a range of straight-four and V6 gasoline engines and straight-four and straight-five Diesels. Most of the engines were carried over from the W202, but the C 320 was exclusive, offering 218 hp, also the C240 now had 2597 cc but output was unchanged at 170 hp. The diesels now featured common rail direct injection and variable geometry turbochargers. Six-speed manual gearboxes were now standard for nearly the entire range (except the C320 and C 270 CDI). For the first time, the number designations were no longer equivalent to the engine displacement, more specifically in the C 180 (2.0 L), C 240 (2.6 L) and C 200 CDI (2.2 L).

In 2001, Mercedes increased the range, with the introduction of the new T-Modell (station wagon) and Sportcoupé body types. The Sportcoupé was actually a three-door liftback made to counter the BMW Compact, but like its competitor, it proved unpopular with the younger buyers it was targeted towards, due to high prices compared to the lower entry-level models it was competing against, and unfavorable exchange rates. Although removed from the North American lineup in 2005, it continued on sale in other markets. From October 2000 until 2007, a total of 230.000 Sportcoupés were built in the Bremen factory and in Brazil. In Canada, it was replaced by the Mercedes-Benz B-Class. A new family of supercharged four cylinder engines, dubbed M271, also debuted. All of them used the same 1.8 L engine, with different designations according to horsepower levels, including a version powered by natural gas. The 193 PS(142 kW/190 hp) C 230K was initially available only in the Sportcoupé. 4MATIC four wheel drive versions were also offered for the C 240 and C 320.

The C-Class was refreshed in early 2004. In this year, the interior styling was changed in all three body styles. Different taillights were added to the Sportcoupé and several all-new M272 and OM642 V6 engines were introduced later in the year. These were available in both petrol and diesel configuration, ranging between 2.5 L and 3.5 L, and the three-valve twin spark design was replaced by the more standard four-valve design, now with variable valve timing. The C 350 could now reach 272 PS (200 kW/268 hp), while the C 320 CDI was good for 224 PS (165 kW/221 hp). In addition, these engines also received the new seven-speed 7G-Tronic automatic transmission as optional, the diesel four cylinder's power was slightly increased, and a more economical naturally-aspirated 1.8 L (C 160) was added to the Sportcoupé lineup.

The C-Class is arguably one of the most popular automobiles in its class in many of the European markets. The second generation was for a long time after its release the second most popular new car in the German market, right after the Volkswagen Golf, and in 2002 it achieved success in the field of safety by scoring the maximum five stars in a EuroNCAP crash test. In the United States, the C-Class automobiles are the least expensive of the Mercedes-Benz lineup. However the W203 C-Class did acquire a poor reputation for reliability compared to other Mercedes-Benz models, an area which was targeted for improvement in the replacement model.

The last W203 C-Class sedan was produced on December 14, 2006 at the Sindelfingen plant, after almost 630,000 units of the sedan were produced.

After the success of the AMG models in the previous generation, Mercedes-Benz attempted to increase sales by introducing two different AMG versions in the new model, also in 2001. The C 32 AMG scaled back down to a 3.2 L V6 engine, to match the E46 M3 displacement and improve weight distribution, but it required a twin-screw type supercharger (manufactured by IHI) to reach 354 PS (260 kW/349 hp) at 6100 rpm and 450 Nm (332 ft•lbf) at 4400 rpm. Like its predecessors, it used a five-speed automatic, helping it to complete a 0-100km/h sprint within 5.2 seconds. The second version was C 30 CDI AMG, using a 3.0 L five-cylinder engine, capable of 231 PS(170 kW/228 hp) at 3800 rpm and 540 Nm (398 ft•lbf) at 2000 rpm. Both were available in all three body styles, but the diesel model did not reach sales expectations and was retired in 2004, as well as the C 32 AMG Sportcoupé.

By the revision of the C-Class in 2005, C 32 AMG was also replaced, giving way to a new 5.5 L naturally-aspirated V8-powered C 55 AMG. This was an evolution of the V8 engine found in the previous E-Class, with power raised to 367 PS (270 kW/362 hp) at 5750 rpm and torque climbing to 510 Nm (376 ft•lbf) at 4000 rpm. Unlike the less-powerful V6s and V8s in the rest of the Mercedes-Benz lineup, it continues to use Speedshift five-speed automatic. Though maximum speed is still limited to 250 km/h (155 mph) and 4.9 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) is not improved, this model is considered the sportiest AMG model in the C-Class history before the recent release of the W204 (third generation) C63 AMG.

W204 (2007–present)

DaimlerChrysler introduced a new generation of the C-Class on January 18, 2007 and displayed it in the 2007 Geneva Auto Show. Sales started on March 31, 2007 in almost all European countries. The new vehicle has an extended wheelbase and tracks, a stiffer bodyshell and a design inspired by the most recent S-Class and some hints from the CLS-Class. The model has three levels of equipment - Classic, Elegance and Avantgarde. A high performance AMG version with a 6.2 L engine followed in September 2007, labelled C 63 AMG with 457 PS (335 kW)to rival the Audi RS4 and BMW M3. The Classic and Elegance lines retain the traditional Mercedes-Benz radiator grille, with a three-point star bonnet emblem. The Avantgarde line has a grille similar to that on Mercedes' sport coupe models, with two horizontal bars and a large centre-mounted star. In the UK the Classic line is known as the SE and the Avantgarde line is known as the C-Class Sport, and comes with an AMG bodykit, and AMG alloy wheels as standard. The North American version is slightly different, as the Classic model is dropped. The Elegance is known as the C-Class Luxury and the Avantgarde wearing the AMG sports package is known as the C-Class sport. Both lines have an additional amber light in front of the front wheel well.

New saloon and estate versions were announced in 2007, while the CLC-Class Sportcoupé will remain based on the W203 chassis. There will be an increase of component-sharing with other Mercedes' models, namely the redesigned E- and S-Class, as well as the upcoming GLK-Class compact SUV. One of the most technological breakthroughs of this car is a special system exclusive to this class, named 'Agility control' package. This is an innovative system, which through its unique concept provides drivers with excellent agility and the traditional, luxurious Mercedes ride quality. It achieves this feat through a complex hydro-mechanical set up, which constantly analyses road conditions and driving 'habits', resultantly it adjusts damper & suspension settings acordingly to provide the driver the best possible balance between ride comfort and agility. To take things still further , there is even an 'Advanced agility control' package drivers can opt for, this system is an upgrade to the standard one, offering a 'sport' mode button. The 'Advanced agility' package is a first for the C-class, and will be seen in future models, as the GLK.

Versions of the car are available with a choice of rear- and all-wheel drive (in the latter case an improved version of the 4MATIC system, not available in right-hand drive format), along with a variety of four and six-cylinder engines (and a 6.2 litre V8 in the C 63 AMG). Engines are the straight-4 M271 and V6 M272 petrol engines, straight-4 OM611 + OM651, and V6 OM642 Diesel engines. Six-speed manual transmissions are standard on all models (except the C 350), with the 7G-Tronic seven-gear automatic transmission available for six-cylinder engines (7G-Tronic is available for C 230K, C 280, C 300, C 320 CDI and standard for C 350) and a five speed automatic transmission available for the four cylinder models. In the United States, the C 300 Luxury and C 350 Sport are only available with the 7G-Tronic transmission, and the C 300 Sport comes with a six-speed manual transmission, and the 7G-Tronic automatic transmission as an option.

The development of the W204 C-Class involved the use of a "digital prototype", which put a 2.1 terabyte digital replica of the car through a 15 million mile road course. This is an industry first which allowed for crash testing and more, before a physical prototype was actually constructed.

The C 63 AMG is reportedly the first AMG Mercedes designed from the ground up for performance, as compared to previous AMG cars which were more or less focused on the engine. The C 63 has a revised front end architecture that is taken from the CLK 63 AMG Black series. The revised 7-speed automatic transmission now has three shift modes - Comfort, Sport and Manual - with the last one running with the converter locked allowing the driver to hold the engine at the rev limit. The ESP can now be completely turned off, interfering only under heavy braking. The car also has the quickest, most responsive steering of any Mercedes to date. Car and Driver recently tested the car and got a 0-60 mph time of 3.9 seconds; a 0-100 mph time of 9.2 seconds and a quarter-mile time of 12.3 seconds at 116 mph (187 km/h). The top speed is electronically limited to 151 mph (243 km/h). This makes the C 63 the fastest production 4-door sedan in the world in terms of acceleration.

The 2007 Mercedes-Benz C Class was awarded "Car Of The Year" in Australia by Australian Motoring Magazine "WHEELS", edging out the Ford Mondeo and Mazda 2 for the award.

Petrol engines
Version Engine Cyl. Power
C 180 1.8 16V K S4 156 PS (154 hp/115 kW)
C 200 1.8 16V K S4 184 PS (181 hp/135 kW)
C 230 (C250 in Japan) 2.5 24V V6 204 PS (201 hp/150 kW)
C 280 (C 300 in North America and Japan) 3.0 24V V6 231 PS (228 hp/170 kW)
C 350 3.5 24V V6 272 PS (268 hp/200 kW)
C 63 AMG 6.2 32V V8 457 PS (451 hp/336 kW)
Diesel engines
Version Engine Cyl. Power
C 200 CDI 2.2 16V CDI S4 136 PS (134 hp/100 kW)
C 220 CDI 2.2 16V CDI S4 170 PS (168 hp/125 kW)
C 320 CDI 3.0 24V CDI V6 224 PS (221 hp/165 kW)


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