'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 223건

  1. 2008.10.16 현대 i시리즈 - Hyundai i20
  2. 2008.10.04 Dodge Challenger SRT8
  3. 2008.09.27 Audi - Q5 (2008)
  4. 2008.09.27 비교광고
  5. 2008.09.27 2009 Kia Lotze unveiled
Car life2008. 10. 16. 01:29

 아마도 이번 2008 파리오토살롱의 현대차 부스의 중앙에는 i20가 있을지도 모르겠습니다. 이 매력적이고 신선하며 동급최고의 안정성과 다이나믹한 핸들링을 갖춘 현대 i20는 현대 클릭/겟츠의 후속모델입니다. 구형 클릭/겟츠에 비해서 i20는 보다 뛰어난 스타일링과 안전성, 인텔리전트한 패키지등을 자랑합니다. 또한 더욱 럭셔리하고 편리해졌고 뛰어난 핸들링 감각도 더했습니다. i20는 페트롤과 터보디젤의 엔진으로 7가지의 급으로 차별화해 판매됩니다. 7가지의 엔진은 각 각 수동과 자동의 두가지 트랜스미션과 조합됩니다. 유럽 현대 디자인센터에서 개발 된 i20는 유럽의 소형 해치백 오너뿐만 아니라 세컨드카를 고려하는 다른 구매자들에게도 높은 기대감을 주고 있습니다. i20는 주행거리와 관계없이 3년간의 무상보증을 해주며 유럽에서 가장 치열한 수퍼미니 세그먼트에서 가장 강력한 경쟁차중 하나가 될 것 입니다. 파리오토살롱에서 5도어 모델이 데뷔하며 3도어의 스포티한 모델은 2009년 1월에 데뷔 할 예정입니다.


 독일의 러셀하임에 위치한 현대 유럽디자인센터에서 디자인한 i20는 아랫급인 i10과 윗급의 i30의 스타일링을 이어받아 스타일리쉬하고 시크한 매력을 뽐내고 있습니다.  클릭/겟츠에 비해 높이는 줄고 길이는 더욱 길어졌으며 더욱 넓어졌습니다. i20는 5도어바디를 기준으로 2525mm의 휠베이스를 가지고 있습니다. 엔진 후드의 끝으로 바짝 올려 붙인 라디에이터 그릴과 물방울 모양의 헤드램프등을 통해 현대의 모던라인을 볼 수 있습니다. 아웃도어핸들, 라디에이터 그릴, 윈도우 실과 사이드미러 등에 모두 바디컬러를 입혔고 16인치 12스포크의 알로이 휠을 장착하였습니다. i20는 패셔너블한 크리스탈 화이트를 포함한 10가지의 페인트를 준비해놓고 있습니다.



 i20의 모든 네가지의 트림레벨 (- 클래식, 컴포트, 스타일, 프리미엄)은 에어컨디셔너, 파워풀한 4스피커의 라디오, CD, MP3 재생오디오시스템, 다기능 스티어링 휠, 타이어 공기압 모니터시스템, 키레스 엔트리 시스템, 전자식 파워윈도우 및 전동접이 및 조절 사이드미러, 높낮이 조절 시트가 모두 기본 장착됩니다. 이것은 다른 어떤 동급모델의 리스트에서도 찾아 볼 수 없는 혜택입니다.

 다이나믹한 스타일과 함께 i20의 '진짜'다이나믹함은 새로운 플랫폼에서 부터 나옵니다. 완전히 새롭게 만들어진 플랫폼은 새로운 드라이빙 경험을 전해줍니다. 유럽 각지의 다양한 기후와 조건속에서 예를들면, 남부 스페인의 덥고 습한 날씨에서 북부 스웨덴의 추운 날씨까지 그리고 독일 서킷에서의 고속주행 테스트까지 모두 마친 i20는 유럽의 그 어떤 도로에서도 안정감있는 주행성능을 뽐낼것입니다. 프론트에는 맥퍼슨 스트럿을 리어에는 토션빔 서스펜션을 장착했고 도시의 도로에서 만족스러운 승차감을 낼것입니다. 차의 개발 당시부터 소음을 줄이는 방법에 대해서 특히 디젤엔진의 소음을 줄이는 것에 대해 연구하였고 실제로 캐빈 안으로 들어오는 소음을 크게 줄였습니다. 그렇지만 그릉거리는 속도감을 느낄 수 있는 엔진음은 잘 걸러내어 운전자에게 차량의 정보를 전달합니다.

 현대는 총 7가지의 엔진종류를 준비해 두고 있습니다. 78마력의 1.2리터엔진과 100마력의 1.4리터엔진, 1.6리터 126마력의 엔진에 5단 수동변속기와 4단 자동변속기 조합의 페트롤 엔진과 1.4리터와 1.6리터의 터보디젤엔진이 있습니다. 모든 엔진은 유로5의 검사기준을 만족합니다. 특히 1.2리터 엔진은 퍼포먼스와 이코노미의 훌륭한 결합으로 평가됩니다. CO₂배출량은 124g/km입니다.

 터보디젤엔진은 1.6리터로 115마력엔진과 128마력엔진의 두가지 종류로 나뉩니다. 1.4리터 디젤엔진은 75마력과 90마력으로 나뉩니다. 경제적이고 깨끗한 115마력엔진은 CO₂배출량이115g/km입니다. 1.4리터 디젤엔진에는 5단 수동변속기와 4단 자동변속기가 조합되고 1.6리터 터보디젤엔진에는 6단 수동변속기가 조합됩니다.

 i20는 동급 최고의 안정장비를 갖추고 있습니다. i20는 탑승객의 안전뿐만 아니라 보행자의 안전도 중요하게 생각합니다. 현대차에서는 처음으로 보행자 안전을 고려했다고하며, 듀얼 및 앞좌석 사이드 및 커튼 에어백의 6개의 에어백과 액티브 헤드레스트, 프론트 시트벨트 프리텐셔너, 가장 최신식의 ABS, ESP 전자식 스테빌리티 컨트롤, EBD 전자식브레이크등의 안전장비를 장착하고 있으며 이중 에어백은 전 트림 기본장착입니다. 이러한 옵션에 더불어 타이어 공기압모니터 시스템과 전좌석 시트벨트 리마인더등도 장착하고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 현대는 i20가 동급 최고의 안전성을 갖추고 있다고 말합니다. i20는 유로NCAP 충돌시험에서 성인 및 어린이의 보호 결과에서 5스타의 안전도를 나타내었습니다.

 i20의 리어시트는 6;4비율로 폴딩되며, 리어시트를 폴딩하지 않고도 295리터의 트렁크 공간을 확보하였습니다. 냉장보관 기능을 겸비한 글로브박스와 다양한 수납공간 및 컵홀더와 함께 파워스티어링휠, 중앙집중식 도어잠금장치, 전좌석 파워윈도우등의 편의장치를 장착하고 있습니다.


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Opel Insignia (2008)  (0) 2008.11.01
Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class sport utility vehicle (2008)  (0) 2008.10.18
Dodge Challenger SRT8  (0) 2008.10.04
Audi - Q5 (2008)  (0) 2008.09.27
비교광고  (0) 2008.09.27
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 10. 4. 01:07

Dodge Challenger is the name of three different automobile models marketed by the Dodge division of Chrysler LLC since the 1970s.

At the 2008 New York International Auto Show, Chrysler LLC unveiled its full 2009 Dodge Challenger model lineup. Pricing will start in the low $20's.

The all-new 2009 Dodge Challenger merges the best American muscle-car characteristics — unmistakable design, world-class handling, powerful engines and technology — to delight driving enthusiasts across several generations.

"Our all-new 2009 Dodge Challenger is a modern-day muscle machine representing the best from the past and present," said Mike Accavitti, Director - Dodge Brand and SRT Global Marketing, Chrysler LLC. "Thirty-five years following the debut of the original, we are bringing Dodge Challenger back and loading it with essential hardware, styling and technology desired by today's buyer."

The Dodge Challenger is the first five-passenger, two-door coupe produced from Chrysler's proven rear-wheel-drive platform that delivers the Chrysler 300 and Dodge Charger. Developed with Dodge's credo of "bold, powerful and capable," the Challenger delivers a modern two-door muscle car.

Three models will be offered in North America: Dodge Challenger SRT8®, Dodge Challenger R/T and Dodge Challenger SE.

Essential Hardware

The Dodge Challenger R/T features the new-generation 5.7-liter HEMI® V-8 engine with a five-speed automatic transmission that produces an estimated 370 horsepower (276 kW) and 398 lb.-ft. of torque (540 N•m). For 2009, the HEMI engine is upgraded to get an estimated five percent improvement in fuel economy as well as an increase of 30 horsepower (9 percent) and 8 lb.-ft. improved torque (2 percent) over a greater range of engine speeds. The automatic transmission features fuel-saving multi-displacement (MDS) technology which increases fuel economy by as much as 20 percent depending on driving conditions without sacrificing vehicle performance. The Dodge Challenger R/T also offers a precision-shift six-speed manual transmission — the first for a new-generation HEMI-powered car — that produces 375 horsepower (280 kW) and 404 lb.-ft. of torque (548 N•m) when running on premium fuel. The Dodge Challenger R/T can go from zero to 60 mph in less than six seconds.

The 2009 Dodge Challenger SRT8 features an SRT-exclusive 6.1-liter HEMI V-8 engine mated with a new-for-2009 six-speed manual transmission or a five-speed automatic transmission with Auto Stick that generates a blistering 425 horsepower (317 kW) and 420 lb.-ft. of torque (569 N•m). The vehicle can go from zero to 60 mph in less than five seconds.

The Dodge Challenger SE powered by the 3.5-liter High Output V-6 with a four-speed automatic transmission produces 250 horsepower (186 kW) and 250 lb.-ft. of torque (339 N•m).

Patterned off the Dodge Charger architecture, the front suspension and five-link independent rear suspension system on all Dodge Challenger models provide excellent ride and handling characteristics.

Essential Styling

The Dodge Challenger design team stayed true to the concept revealed at the 2006 North American International Auto Show, while drawing upon elements from the original Challenger. The result: a bold, aggressive muscle machine that blends nostalgia with modern Dodge style.

"Our designers wanted to capture the mind's-eye view of what people today remember about the Dodge Challenger from 35 years ago," said Trevor Creed, Senior Vice President - Design, Chrysler LLC. "Their challenge was to excite today's customer by capturing the emotion of the original Challenger, while offering today's comfort and performance."

On the exterior, the long, raised performance hood with scoops and recessed grille with round dual headlamps are reminiscent of the original Dodge Challenger. The bold A-line, or character line, that runs from stem to stern gives the all-new 2009 Dodge Challenger an instantly recognizable muscle-car profile. Retro dual rectangular exhaust outlets complete the look from the rear.

On the interior, the trapezoidal theme of the door-panel cove and gauge cluster, dark headliner and slanted shifter console are inspired by the original Dodge Challenger. The modern interpretation of the Dodge Challenger offers exceptional rear seating for a two-door coupe, achieving best-in-class rear head (37.4 inches) and leg (32.6 inches) room compared to the competition. Coupled with best-in-class cargo space (16.2 cu. ft.) — equal to the Dodge Charger — the all-new 2009 Dodge Challenger offers added comfort and functionality.

Dodge Challenger RT

Dodge 2006 Challenger Concept


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Mercedes-Benz GLK-Class sport utility vehicle (2008)  (0) 2008.10.18
현대 i시리즈 - Hyundai i20  (0) 2008.10.16
Audi - Q5 (2008)  (0) 2008.09.27
비교광고  (0) 2008.09.27
2009 Kia Lotze unveiled  (0) 2008.09.27
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 9. 27. 01:13

The Q5 is a new lightweight Audi SUV with five seats based on the platform of the A4. It has a size less than Q7 and similar to models such as the Mitsubishi Outlander and the Nissan X-trail. For the range of engines and the price which will be an alternative to models such as the BMW X3 and the Volvo XC 60.
Initially, the range of engines available consists of a petrol (211 hp) and two diesel (170 and 240 hp), all with direct injection and sobrealimentados. According to the engine, the change can be manual or automatic 'S'-Tronic seven speeds (similar to that used in the Volkswagen range; more information on this change) always combined with a system of permanent total traction.

The design of the body maintains the features of other models of Audi. In lighthouses there is a strip of LEDs (LED) for the role of daylight, there is also diodes for some functions of the pilots. The gate is aluminum.

Some elements of the body can be painted black (standard), painted the same color as the body or to make a color contrast.

Optionally, Audi offers the possibility of equipping the Q5 with two external packages called "S-Line" and "Offroad-Style." The first gives a semblance sports, and the other includes protectors for the low, both at the front and rear wheels and 19-inch (not seem best suited for the field).

It measures 4.63 m long, 1.88 m wide and 1.65 m tall. Therefore, it is lower than any of the models of its features. Thanks to its reduced height, among other things, has an aerodynamic coefficient of 0.33, a low value for an SUV. We still do not know the weight of Q5.

The wheelbase (battle) is high (2.81 m), which should allow the occupant of the Q5 is spacious. Optionally, the rear bench can have a device to move longitudinally 100 mm. The backs of the rear seats can rest.

The trunk has a capacity of 540 litres. In addition, there is a double bottom. Abatiendo rear backrest forward, using a lever unblocking located in the trunk, cargo capacity increases to 1,560 l.

The back seat of the companion can abatirse (option) to facilitate the transport of long objects. Audi also offers a kit by setting guidelines for luggage, a network division and a protective tray.

The equipment includes several compartments slides portabebidas and sockets. There is an option that includes an air-conditioned portabebidas (cold or hot) and a fixation on the floor of the passenger side where you can set different slides.

Among the materials available to cover certain parts of the passenger compartment are aluminium, wood, chrome, leather and Alcantara fabric.

The gasoline version has a 2.0-l engine TFSI engine with 211 hp coupled to a shift automatic double clutch "S-Tronic 'with 7 speeds. With this engine, the Q5 accelerates from 0 to 100km / h in 7.2 s and reaches a maximum speed of 222 km / h. It has an average consumption of 8.5 l/100 km. It is a four-cylinder engine with turbocharger, direct injection and variable control of valve height ( "system" Valvelift more information). A Tiguan Volkswagen engine with similar (2.0 l IST with 200 hp and automatic change "Tiptronic"), accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in 8.5 s and reaches 207 km / h with an average consumption of 9.9 the 100 km. That includes worst performance and increased consumption that the Q5.

The Diesel is less potent 2.0-litre, 170 hp and injection through common; also four cylinders. This version has a gearbox 6-speed manual. With this combination, the Q5 accelerates to 100 km / h in 9.2 s and maximum speed is 204 km / h. It has an average consumption content, as it needs only 6.7 litre for travel 100 km. A Nissan X-Trail 2.0 dCi 173 hp has a higher average consumption (7.4 of the 100 km).

The other diesel engine is 6-cylinder 3.0 litre with a 'V' and 240 hp. Maximum speed with this engine is 225 km / h, accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in only 6.5 s and the average consumption is 7.7 l/100 km. This engine is associated change "S"-Tronic 7 speeds.

The traction is the four wheels through a Torsen differential ", the system that uses Audi, except in the R8, with the models that have the engine positioned longitudinally. In normal running conditions transmits force to front and rear axle in a ratio of 40:60. According to the bond can vary this division diverting up to 65% of torque to the front or up 85% to the rear.

As the A4, the Q5 may have the "Select" Drive Audi. This system can vary the response of the accelerator, assistance and scalability of the address, the mode of operation of the automatic change of torque converter 'tiptronic' and the hardness of the suspension adjustment variable. Depending on the level of equipment for each unit may change some or all of the functions described.

These settings can be modified at the same time in terms of three planned programmes ( "Comfort", "Automatic" or "dynamic"). If the car is also central command "MMI", the driver can create your own combination of settings.

For the first time in Audi, there is a wizard for the lights that automatically selects the road or crossing (BMW uses a similar device in some of its models).

In addition, there are elements of equipment rare in a car of this kind: help to maintain lane (Lane Assiist "Audi", a vibration in the steering wheel warns the driver that this beyond a line of the road) or a device which controls the presence of obstacles in the blind spot of mirrors ( "Audi Side Assist"). You can also get a programmer speed active ( "Adaptive Cruise Control") capable of maintaining a constant distance with respect to the vehicles in front.

Other elements that may have the lighting system are active cornering ( "Adaptive Light"), an assistant parking camera back ( "Audi Advanced Parking System), front seats with electric adjustments as well as heating and ventilation, for Bluetooth connection phones, a DVD player, TV tuner, voice recognition, connection for a player "iPod" or a sound system "Bang & Olufsen. The most expensive navigation system integrates a high resolution monitor (with maps in three dimensions) and hard drive for storing maps and music in MP3 format.

Other optional elements of the Audi Q5 is the system of keyless entry and start ( "Advanced key"), controlling the tire pressure, a panoramic glass ceiling, an air conditioning automatic three areas, the screens for the rear moons The gate of the boot or an electric folding trailer hitch.

The equipment includes stability control, an electromechanical parking brake, air conditioning or automatic display in the dashboard where shown, for example, recommended the ideal way to drive in the most efficient manner.

The stability control (ESP) has a new feature that detects whether on the roof has been placed baca (capable of supporting up to 100 kg) and therefore if the centre of gravity of the Q5 is higher. In this case, the ESP anticipates its operation.

The ABS has a mode of operation for outside the asphalt that detects the type of soil which is circulating (sand, gravel or rocks) modifying its operation.

The Q5 not have come reductive or differential ahead or behind. Yes there is a speed control for the decline in pending. It has an approach angle of 25 ° and an output of 17.5 º (little to overcome obstacles complicated). The headroom to 20 cm soil is a good value. The wading is of 50 cm.

It uses the same platform Audi A4. As that has some elements of the propulsion system placed to help the engine go further delayed with respect to the front axle (or the shaft in relation to the most advanced engine). The differential is just behind the front engine and clutch or torque converter. All the arms of the suspension (parallelogram deformable) are made of aluminum.

The tyres are series of measures and 235/65 tires are mounted on 17-inch. Optionally, the Q5 may take up to 20 ".


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

현대 i시리즈 - Hyundai i20  (0) 2008.10.16
Dodge Challenger SRT8  (0) 2008.10.04
비교광고  (0) 2008.09.27
2009 Kia Lotze unveiled  (0) 2008.09.27
Gemballa mirage GT black edition-orange/black  (0) 2008.09.20
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 9. 27. 01:12




and Bentley


'Car life' 카테고리의 다른 글

Dodge Challenger SRT8  (0) 2008.10.04
Audi - Q5 (2008)  (0) 2008.09.27
2009 Kia Lotze unveiled  (0) 2008.09.27
Gemballa mirage GT black edition-orange/black  (0) 2008.09.20
Gemballa AVALANCHE GTR 600 and roadster  (0) 2008.09.20
Posted by 네로의 주절주절 블로그
Car life2008. 9. 27. 01:07

 이번 2008 뉴욕모터쇼에서 그간 많은 화제를 모았던 로체의 신형모델이 공개되었습니다.

 전면부와 후면부의 디자인을 손질했고, 기아차의 수석 디자이너인 피터슈라이어의 '직선' 철학이 가미 된 모습으로 병경되었습니다. 스파이샷이 나오면서 부터 많은 기대를 모은만큼 다양한 의견이 나오고 있는 듯 합니다. 이번에 모터쇼에 나온 모델은 미국형 스포츠버전인  SX버전으로 아마도 국내에 출시 될 때는 라디에이터 그릴이나, 휠등이 변경 될 것으로 보입니다. 아마, 로체어드밴스처럼  LED테일램프도 장착 될 수 있을것 같습니다. 크고 과격하기 보다는 약간의 변화를 주었는데도 기존의 로체와는 다른 이미지를 보여주는 듯 합니다.

 아쉽게도 인테리어는 큰 변경이 없는듯 합니다.

 로체 공개 바로 전에 공개된 KOUP 컨셉카에서도 보듯이 점점 기아의 아이덴티티를 확립해가는것 같습니다. 

Kia Motors America (KMA) unveiled the 2009 Kia Optima midsize sedan at the New York International Auto Show. On sale in early fall, the refreshed Optima offers a completely modified exterior, which offers a more aggressive, dynamic style than previous models, and is outfitted with a new engine that provides more power and better fuel economy. For 2009, Optima also is larger than its predecessors, which complements its distinctive new styling and separates itself from other vehicles in the growing midsize segment.

"Optima is in a strong position to change the way consumers think about midsize sedan offerings," said Tom Loveless, vice president, sales of KMA. "Already known for its exemplary quality, safety and value, Optima's sleek new redesign provides consumers with a sporty, fuel-efficient choice and showcases Kia's commitment to providing the best all-around vehicle package."

Exterior Excitement

The 2009 Kia Optima is presented with new front, side and rear styling cues, which build upon Kia's philosophy of creating dynamic vehicles that evoke passion. The fog lamps and lower front grille have been enlarged and the headlamps narrowed to create an aggressively sharper look. Wider side garnishes add sportiness while the acute front lines continue toward the back, ending on a distinctly edged trunk lid. To complete the redesigned rear fascia, taillights are narrowed to enhance Optima's sleeker cosmetic appearance.

Also, new for 2009 is the addition of the sporty SX trim, which complements the handsomely-equipped, value-priced LX and luxury-oriented EX trims. Already available with Kia's Rio, Rio5, Spectra and Spectra5 models, the SX line provides another dimension for Optima buyers looking for a sportier midsize. Along with a sport-tuned suspension, SX upgrades include: a black-bezeled front grille and headlamps, LED outside-mirror turning signals, fog lights and hyper-silver-finished 17-inch wheels. EX and LX V6 models are equipped with 16-inch alloy wheels, and are fitted with Goodyear tires.

The 2009 Kia Optima's overall length also increased, extending nearly two inches in the front and one inch in the rear, to an overall length of roughly 189 inches. The larger proportions enhance the exterior styling for a lower, leaner, more powerful stance. All other dimensions, including wheelbase, remain unchanged.

Efficient, Powerful Engine

Available in two powerplants - a 2.4-liter four-cylinder or a 2.7-liter V6 engine - and two five-speed transmissions (manual with LX four-cylinder model only), the 2009 Kia Optima introduces a new engine under its hood. When redesigned as a 2006.5 model, the peppy four-cylinder engine delivered 161 horsepower, a 15-percent increase from the previous generation. For 2009, a more powerful 2.4-liter engine takes its place, producing an additional 13 horsepower. Optima's four-cylinder output increases to 175 horsepower and 169 lb-ft of torque. The available 2.7-liter V6 engine remains a carryover but output has increased to 190 horsepower and 184 lb-ft of torque. The V6 is mated to a five-speed, gated automatic transmission. All automatics feature Sportmatic™ clutchless shifting.

The introductions of Dual Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) and a Variable Intake System (VIS) further enhance Optima's new under-the-hood excitement. These added systems improve the vehicle's fuel economy without sacrificing power.

Built on a unibody frame, the front-wheel-drive Optima utilizes independent front and rear suspension systems. MacPherson struts are used in the front with a multi-link layout in the rear and are joined with coil springs and anti-roll bars (standard equipment on all models) to engage drivers with responsive handling and provide utmost comfort whether the road is smooth or less than ideal.

Interior Refinement

The style makeover continues into the Optima's cabin with expanded electronics melded with refreshed fascia patterns and color schemes. Based on a new platform, the standard audio system features MP3 compatibility, a USB port and SIRIUS satellite radio capability in addition to an auxiliary jack, which was added to 2008 models. An optional in-dash navigation system also is an Optima first.

The rest of the center fascia and floor console receive minor tuning for even more intuitive operation whereas the new barrel-type instrument cluster design adopts a sporty red illumination. Optima continues to offer two seat trims in gray or beige color schemes - cloth (LX), leather (EX) - with black leather trim on SX models, which also features aluminum trim, metal sport pedals and a Supervision meter cluster.

Amidst the host of additional options, Optima still offers an array of standard features. The LX is equipped with air conditioning, power windows and door locks, an AM/FM/CD audio system with six speakers, cloth seat and door trim, a six-way adjustable driver's seat and four-way adjustable front passenger seat as well as 60/40-split folding rear seats. EX models upgrade to a leather-wrapped steering wheel with tilt and telescopic functions, leather seat and door trim, leather-wrapped shift knob, automatic temperature control, an auto-dimming rearview mirror featuring Homelink® and an eight-way power adjustable driver's seat. Convenience and Premium Packages offer further content upgrades, including a power sunroof and an Infinity® audio system.


As with the rest of the Kia line-up, the 2009 Kia Optima is equipped with many safety features as standard equipment. This includes six airbags (dual advanced front and front-seat mounted side as well as full-length side curtain), front active headrests, side-impact door beams, height-adjustable front seatbelts with pre-tensioners and force limiters, three-point seatbelts for all seating positions, Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) and a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). The Electronic Stability Control Package adds Electronic Stability Control (ESC), a Traction Control System (TCS), brake assist and four-wheel anti-lock brakes.

Competitive Warranty

The 2009 Kia Optima is covered by Kia's comprehensive warranty program, which offers unprecedented consumer protection. Included in this program are a 10-year/100,000-mile limited powertrain warranty, a five-year/60,000-mile limited basic warranty and a five-year/100,000-mile anti-perforation warranty. A five-year/60,000-mile roadside assistance plan also is part of the comprehensive vehicle coverage.


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